Following the King: To Make Disciples | True Life Church | 12/29/24
What is the call of Jesus on your life? Are you willing to hear & heed it? Who will you take with you as you live true life with Jesus? Will you count the cost to be & make disciples of Jesus? How will you cling to His comfort? ...commit to His call? Let’s follow our King to be & make disciples!
Pastor Joe Warren
Series: Following the King: From Cradle To Cross
Sermon: To Make Disciples
Join us as we survey the Book of Matthew who presents Jesus, born of a virgin, born of the lineage of David, King of the Jews, and King of all creation. Following the King will track the story of Jesus's birth, life, and resurrection as He proves Himself to be the promised King.
True Life Church, 202 W. Byrd, Universal City, TX, 78148
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