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Following the King: Whose Way Will You Chose? | True Life Church | 02/16/25

Feb 16, 2025    Joe Warren

Are there any choices from your past that haunt you? Are you ready to be free by confessing & forsaking them? How does it help to know the world will hate you choosing the King’s way? Why is choosing my way really just a trap of the enemy? How does the King’s way lead to abundant life? Does it mean we won’t suffer? Will God reward any suffering for His sake? So whose way will you choose?

Pastor Joe Warren

Series: Following the King: From Cradle To Cross

Sermon: Whose Way Will You Choose?


Join us as we survey the Book of Matthew who presents Jesus, born of a virgin, born of the lineage of David, King of the Jews, and King of all creation. Following the King will track the story of Jesus's birth, life, and resurrection as He proves Himself to be the promised King.

True Life Church, 202 W. Byrd, Universal City, TX, 78148

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