HMON - The Holy Men of Now
True Life church invests in the Men’s Ministry knowing that when a man is discipled he holds a higher value on character and integrity than on his own. We refer to this as “iron sharpening iron”.
Men in discipleship relationships witness God’s renewing power in their own lives and the lives of others. This renewing power strengthens a man with God as the focus.
The Men’s Meeting occurs every Tuesday at 6:30 PM and dinner is provided!
This ministry is facilitated by Al Sims and Mike Warneke. Contact Mike for more info!
Men in discipleship relationships witness God’s renewing power in their own lives and the lives of others. This renewing power strengthens a man with God as the focus.
The Men’s Meeting occurs every Tuesday at 6:30 PM and dinner is provided!
This ministry is facilitated by Al Sims and Mike Warneke. Contact Mike for more info!