Following the King: "Mary" Christmas | True Life Church | 12/22/24

Joe Warren

Do you love celebrating our Kings first appearing? Are you ready for His next one? Will you make room in your heart this season & for the rest of eternity by submitting to Him, letting Him surprise you with His gift of love & grace & being willing to joyfully endure any suffering He allows in order to let your light shine?

May we use Mary’s example to follow our King from the cradle, to the cross, to the crown! Let’s give the King our hearts & lives & love as a true Christmas gift for Him both today & always! May each & every one of you have a Mary Christmas as we follow King Jesus!

Pastor Joe Warren

Series: Following the King: From Cradle To Cross

Sermon: "Mary" Christmas!


Join us as we survey the Book of Matthew who presents Jesus, born of a virgin, born of the lineage of David, King of the Jews, and King of all creation. Following the King will track the story of Jesus's birth, life, and resurrection as He proves Himself to be the promised King.

True Life Church, 202 W. Byrd, Universal City, TX, 78148

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