Fresh Starts: Fresh Steps for Fresh Starts (Part 5) 02/04/24
Feb 4, 2024 • Joe Warren
Are you ready to step up to the level of your calling in God? Will you step into the unity of His body, the church? How will you step out in using the gifts He has given you? Is your faith continuing to grow stronger? How? In what ways are you growing & helping others grow in His love through His body, the church? How can you bring Him glory forever as a member of His church?
Fresh Starts: Fresh Steps for Fresh Starts (Part 5)
Pastor Joe Warren
True Life Church
202 W. Byrd,
Universal City,
Texas, 78148
Sunday services are 9am (traditional) and 11 am (contemporary).
#livetruelife #truelifechurch #church #sermon #sermons #freshstart #jesus