Fresh Starts: The Daily Fresh Start of God’s Presence (Part 3) 01/21/24
Jan 21, 2024 • Joe Warren
Do you have enough faith to trust God’s process in the dry times? Based on your faithfulness in the daily grind of life, how likely is it that God will use you in the miraculous? Have you ever been or are you in the valley of despair? How can you get out? How can you avoid it? How is your daily fresh start with God? How will you improve/maintain it? Let’s all know the daily Fresh Start of God’s presence! Let’s GET REAL TRUE LIFE!
Fresh Starts, Part 2: The Daily Fresh Start of God’s Presence
Pastor Joe Warren
True Life Church
202 W. Byrd,
Universal City,
Texas, 78148
Sunday services are 9am (traditional) and 11 am (contemporary).
#livetruelife #truelifechurch #church #sermon #sermons #freshstart #jesus